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Most Common Types of Workplace Injuries

In 2022, Pennsylvania reported more worker fatalities than almost any other year in the last decade, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Workers are at risk of suffering many different types of serious and life-threatening injuries on the job in Pennsylvania – especially if an employer is negligent and fails to properly protect its workers.

Injuries From Exposure to Harmful Substances or Environments

Every year, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics summarizes the information it gathers on workplace incidents to better understand the most common causes of worker injuries and deaths. In the 2021 to 2022 period – the most recent year data is available – “exposure to harmful substances or environments” was the number one cause of worker injuries, up by 35.4 percent in 2022 compared to 2021. This increase was due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In previous years, this injury category was sixth on the list.

Overexertion and Bodily Reaction Injuries

A more common type of workplace injury outside of the pandemic is overexertion, also known as bodily reaction injuries resulting from excessive physical effort or repetitive motions. These injuries can include muscle sprains, strains and tears, as well as other soft-tissue injuries. Back injuries are also common, including slipped, ruptured and herniated disks and nerve damage. Common activities seen by workers’ compensation lawyers in Pittsburgh that can cause overexertion or repetitive strain injuries include lifting, carrying, turning, pushing and throwing.

Slip, Trip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall accidents are one of the most frequently reported workplace incidents in Pennsylvania. These accidents can occur in any industry and result in injuries such as broken bones, bruises, contusions, concussions and other brain injuries, back injuries, and spinal cord injuries. Fall injuries can take a victim out of work for many weeks or months, as well as lead to permanent disabilities or death.

Harm From Contact With Objects and Equipment

Another leading type of work injury arises from contact with dangerous objects or equipment in the workplace. Worker contact with heavy machinery, moving objects or vehicles, sharp objects, collapsing structures, wires or ropes, or shifting objects can lead to catastrophic injuries.  

If a worker gets caught, crushed or compressed in a piece of equipment that was missing a machine guard, for example, his or her injuries could be fatal. Examples of injuries include cuts, lacerations, amputations, compound fractures and spinal cord trauma.

Violence-Related Injuries 

“Violence and other injuries by persons or animals” was the fifth-leading cause of worker injury in Pennsylvania in 2022. These incidents can describe physical assaults by coworkers, customers or strangers, as well as dog bite injuries and other animal attacks. These incidents can lead to injuries such as gunshot or stab wounds, as well as broken bones, lacerations, bruises and contusions.

Burns and Electric Shocks

If a worker is in an environment with dangerous or harmful substances, unprotected contact could cause serious burns. Harmful chemicals could cause chemical burns, while contact with hot objects or flames could cause thermal burns. Electrical burns, electric shocks and electrocutions are also possible if the worker’s job involves electrical elements.

If you sustained any type of injury on the job in Pennsylvania, discuss your options for pursuing financial compensation with a Pittsburgh personal injury lawyer at Dallas W. Hartman P.C., Attorneys at Law. We can explore the possibility of filing a workers’ compensation claim or personal injury lawsuit, depending on the circumstances.

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