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Natural gas well explosion sends workers to Pittsburgh hospital

There are many risks associated with working at a natural gas well. Earlier this month several individuals were injured when one of those risks came to fruition. Though the incident occurred in a neighboring state, some of the people involved were transported to a hospital in Western Pennsylvania for treatment.

Natural gas is relied upon by many throughout the nation. What many who do not work with the natural gas wells may not realize, is that the gas is highly explosive. An explosion was to blame for the injuries the people suffered. The incident, which occurred around 4 a.m., inflicted burns.

As a result of the explosion, one worker, a rigger and trucker, was burned on his face, forearms, knees and hands. They were determined to be third-degree burns. The extent of the injuries the other people involved in the work accident experienced is not known.

As anyone who has suffered even a minor burn on a small portion of one’s body knows, such injuries are usually quite painful. When the burns cover a larger amount of a person’s body, the pain can be excruciating. In addition, healing from those injuries usually takes a long time and sometimes involves surgical procedures such as skin grafts. During this period of time working is not possible and medical bills as well as costs associated with daily living often mount.

In many situations, workers who find themselves facing this difficult task may be able to obtain workers’ compensation benefits to help cover the expenses. Because the process for securing these benefits can sometimes be time consuming and complex, many find it helpful to work with a lawyer who handles such matters.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “Eight injured in West Virginia gas well explosion,” Andrew McGill, July 7, 2013

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