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Man wins medical malpractice lawsuit over cancer misdiagnosis

Each year, thousands of Americans are on the receiving end of devastating news from a physician that they have cancer. For some, the diagnosis comes too late and they are told the cancer is advanced and treatment options limited. These individuals are typically told they have a matter of months to live. Shell-shocked and forced to not only grapple with their own impending death, but also how to provide financially for surviving loved ones, these final weeks and months are often filled with great physical, emotional and mental anguish and pain.

One man who four years ago found himself in this exact scenario, recently filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against his former doctor. In 2009, the man was told by his doctor that he had an advanced form of pancreatic cancer that was not treatable and that he only had months to live.

While the man did have cancer, it was a much less serious and treatable form of the disease. He did not, however, learn this good news until much later. By the time the man was told he wasn't going to die, he had spent an enormous amount of time and energy worrying about his death and the wellbeing of his surviving wife.

A jury in the medical malpractice lawsuit recently awarded the man a judgement in the amount of $200,000. In their decision, the jury agreed that the doctor was negligent in misdiagnosing the man's condition and in causing the man to suffer tremendous emotional pain and suffering as well as financial loss.

Source: Lewiston-Auburn Sun Journal, "Misdiagnosis: Greene man wins $200,000 suit," Mark LaFlamme, June 13, 2013

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