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Couple sues after surgery leaves woman permanently disfigured

Patients who choose to undergo surgical procedures, often decide to do so after being fully informed of the need and risks associated with such procedures. Prior to undergoing surgery, it's customary for a doctor to go over the specifics of the procedure with a patient and for both to mutually agree on what is to be performed and accomplished. Deviating from an agreed upon procedure can result in a patient suffering unnecessary injury and ultimately a medical malpractice lawsuit.

A woman and her husband recently filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against a surgeon who performed the woman's hysterectomy. Upon performing the hysterectomy, the doctor also chose to remove a benign cyst. The woman had not consented to the removal of the cyst prior to the procedure.

As a result of the cyst removal, the woman developed problems for which she sought additional medical treatment. The surgeon who performed the original procedure performed additional procedures which resulted in a portion of the woman's labia being removed.

As a result of the doctor's actions, the woman has suffered pain and injury and permanent disfigurement. The woman and her husband have filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against the surgeon alleging he is negligent in failing to provide an appropriate standard of both medical and follow-up care. As a result of this negligence, the woman has suffered physical, mental and emotional pain and suffering.

The couple is seeking to recover both punitive and compensatory damages related to the woman's injuries. Ohio residents who have suffered similar injuries due to a surgical procedure may also choose to take legal action.

Source: The West Virginia Record, "Couple sue surgeon over procedure," Kayla Asbury, March 22, 2013

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