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Port Authority van involved in chain-reaction crash

Vehicles used for mass transit play an important role for many in communities throughout the nation. In Pittsburgh the Port Authority provides that service for residents in the area, transporting people to various locations. Because there are often many people in one of these vehicles at any given time, when they are involved in an accident, the outcome can be devastating.

Drivers of Port Authority are charged with keeping their passengers safe. One way in which to do this to make sure drivers are familiar with their routes. Earlier this month a Port Authority van containing drivers was involved in a crash with two other vehicles. The morning accident occurred on Freeport Road as the van was stopped at a red light. At the time, the training vehicle was acquainting drivers with routes that were either new had been changed.

A spokesman for Port Authority indicated that the chain-reaction crash started when the van was struck from behind while waiting at the red light. The force of the impact pushed the van into the vehicle in front of it, apparently resulting in whiplash for many of those involved.

Though none of the injuries suffered in the incident were believed to be serious, nonetheless, 11 individuals were taken to various area hospitals for treatment. Further information on their condition is not known.

It is not clear whether individuals other than those employed by Port Authority were hurt in the crash. Regardless, it is possible that personal injury lawsuits could be filed against the driver of the vehicle who first hit the van.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Crash of Port Authority van in Pittsburgh injures 11" Sadie Gurman, Oct. 2, 2012

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