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Another cyclist dies after collision with car on Penn Avenue

Last week we wrote about the death of a cyclist which occurred on Penn Avenue, in Pittsburgh. Though some bicyclists avoid the area, it is nonetheless still used by many. Sadly this week we have news of another fatal bicycle accident that occurred on that stretch of road.

A 47-year-old man was hit by a car as he rode on Penn Avenue. Apparently this incident occurred on the 7700 block of the avenue, near the border of Pittsburgh and Wilkinsburg. Though the man initially survived the collision and was taken to a hospital for treatment, his injuries were sadly too serious and he died.

Unlike in the incident we wrote about last week, the driver of the vehicle that hit this bicyclist remained at the scene of the accident. Though it is not yet clear what caused the vehicle to hit the cyclist, police who are investigating the incident indicate that alcohol is not believed to have played a role.

As a result of the two fatal accidents over the course of the last couple of weeks, Pittsburgh's mayor has addressed the situation. He has suggested that cyclists in the area take an alternate route, perhaps cutting over to Braddock Avenue and taking that to Meade Street. Hopefully people will do so and the number of fatal bicycle accidents on the stretch will be reduced.

The Bike Pittsburgh executive director also weighed-in on the accidents suggesting it would be good for drivers to "Slow down, and treat bicyclists and pedestrians with care and respect."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Bicyclist dies after accident on Penn Avenue," Joe Smydo, Aug. 1, 2012

• Our firm handles similar situations to the one discussed in this post. If you would like to learn more about our practice, please visit our Pennsylvania motor vehicle accidents that result in death page.

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