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School bus involved in minor accident with truck outside Pittsburgh

Truck accidents often result in devastating injuries. Likewise, because of the number of individuals often involved in bus accidents, the outcome of these types of crashes can be dire.

Late last month the parents of students attending Pittsburgh Obama 6-12 school, were likely initially troubled to learn of an accident involving a charter bus transporting some students from the school. The bus was reportedly briefly hit by a tractor-trailer, transporting cars, as it travelled on the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

The truck accident, which took place around 15 miles outside of the city, caused some outside panes of glass, located on the side of the bus involved in the collision, to break. Fortunately, the bus was equipped with double-paned glass windows and the inside layer was unscathed.

At the time of the incident the bus was carrying around 25 high school aged student from the school. They had been on a field trip in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where they attended a YMCA sponsored Youth and Government program designed to help the students learn firsthand how the state's government works. Miraculously no one was injured in the in accident.

Common reasons cited for truck accidents include:

  • Equipment failure
  • Distracted driving
  • Driver fatigue
  • Substance abuse
  • A load that is too large

It is unclear what caused the two large vehicles to make contact, or who was at fault. Because state police characterized the accident is minor and indicated it was non-reportable, it is unclear whether any time or energy will be spent to determine what exactly happened.

Source: WFMJ, "Pittsburgh school charter bus hits car carrier," The Associated Press, April 23, 2012

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