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Patient tips to stay safe in the hospital

Though no one likes to think about it, anytime one seeks the assistance of a health care provider in Pennsylvania they are placing their life in the hands of another and putting themselves at risk for injury. Injuries that occur in these settings are often due to some form of negligence.

There are many different individuals and entities that could be responsible for the negligent behavior. While doctors and nurses are likely the first people who come to mind as responsible for a medical mistake when it occurs, even those who maintain the medical facility or prepare the food that is served there can do something that causes hazards for patients.

In many instances of injuries due to negligence more than one party is to blame for the error or omission. Some of the most common incidents that result in harm to parties are:

  • medication errors
  • surgical errors
  • failure to diagnose
  • falls
  • infections

While much of the health care industry has been doing what it can to improve patient safety, it is always a good idea for a patient to do what they can to protect themselves. The founder of Mothers Against Medical Error has advice for all who are headed to the hospital for treatment. We will discuss a few of them in the remainder of this post.

The first thing she suggests is to know who is in charge on any given shift. That way, should a question regarding care arise, one knows the best person to go to with it.

Another thing a patient should do is look at his or her medical record. Though it is not the patient who is supposed to be finding discrepancies, most would agree that it is worth a quick read if it could potentially save their life.

Time becomes a blur when one is in the hospital. Accordingly, it can be difficult to remember what tests are being administered and the outcome of each. Even medications that are taken every day may be hard to remember. It is a good idea to write that information in a journal along with any questions and the contact information for friends and family.

Reducing the germs with which one comes in contact with could be the most important step that a patient takes. In addition to making sure all health care providers wash or disinfect their hands with antibacterial foam, bringing wipes of one's own to the hospital to wipe down surfaces can be a good idea. It is also important to make sure visitors are washing their hands.

Though it is impossible to anticipate and take steps to prevent each and every thing that could wrong while one is in the hospital, these precautions may help make sure that one leaves the hospital in a better condition than when he or she entered it.

Source: CT Mirror, "A patient survival guide, from a mother who learned too late," Arielle Levin Becker, March 8, 2012

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