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Chain-reaction car accidents in Pennsylvania due to weather

While it is highly likely that many residents of Pennsylvania are ready for winter to end, Mother Nature does not appear ready to move on to spring. This past weekend, residents of the northern part of state had to contend with conditions characterized as "whiteout." Unfortunately, the winter weather left more than just snow behind.

In addition to piles of snow, Mother Nature left a trail of motor vehicle accidents in its wake. Whiteout conditions are being blamed for at least two chain-reaction motor vehicle accidents in the state.

The first accident took place on a portion of Interstate 80 located in Venango County. It is believed to have involved a minimum of 20 vehicles and caused multiple injuries. Sadly two individuals involved in the chain-reaction crash died.

Another, larger accident occurred on Interstate 79 in Mercer County. In that chain-reaction accident, around 40 motor vehicles were involved. Fortunately, no one died in that incident.

Portions of both interstates were closed for a time due to the accidents.

As we are all aware, there are many reasons a car accident may occur. Poor driving conditions due to the weather are just one of many that a driver does not have control over. In bad weather even the most cautious drivers can find themselves involved in a car accident.

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be trying physically, emotionally and financially. Fortunately, those who are injured in a car accident that is due to another person's negligence may be able to recoup some financial compensation via a personal injury lawsuit. This is often beneficial during the healing process.

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Whiteout blamed for two bad multiple-vehicle crashes," Paula Reed Ward, Feb. 25, 2012

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