Yet another multi-vehicle accident has occurred on a Pennsylvania section of I-80. On Monday, as many as 20 vehicles were involved in a pile-up that took state troopers around ten hours to clear, causing unbearable delays, and worst of all sending 17 injured to area hospitals. I-80 stretches across the state from east to west, running over into Ohio on the western end and spanning southeast nearly into New Jersey on the eastern end. White-out conditions are said to be the culprit for this particular accident and it must be noted that PA authorities always ask residents that if they do not have to drive then there is really no reason to be on the road in such conditions. In addition, while most truckers are optimally safe drivers, there are those who have deadlines to meet and unfortunately they do not always follow proper laws such as staying in the right lane unless they need to pass. For years, drivers and their vehicles have met their match on various portions of the interstate, and weather is not always a factor. Although Monday's pile-up occurred in the midday hours during a time that snow squalls were reported, previous accidents have taken place in summer months when weather was not an issue. Whether it is inclement weather, the blinding curves, distracted drivers, or other impediments, travelling along Interstate 80 is not a trek to be taken lightly. Fortunately, this accident heeded no fatalities although several victims were listed as critical, but now that the winter months are upon us it is imperative that we use a great deal of caution when traveling dangerous back roads and highways such as I-80.
If you or someone you know has suffered a loss or injury due to a motor vehicle accident on a Pennsylvania roadway, the attorneys at Dallas W. Hartman P.C. are here to help.