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Jury awards $500K to woman for sponge left in abdomen

To many people in today's society, a cesarean-section is considered a routine surgery performed for a wide array of reasons on many pregnant women every day to extract a baby. Unfortunately, even routine surgery is not immune to errors resulting from negligent care. Last month, a jury in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, awarded $525,269 to a woman who experienced problems with her health after a surgery went awry.

The woman had a C-section in March 2004. During the surgery, a laparotomy sponge was left in her abdomen. After the surgery, the pain the woman sustained was initially thought to be pain normally experienced after surgery. When the pain persisted almost two months later however, she went to St. Mary Medical Center in Middletown where a CT scan was performed. The scan showed the sponge in her lower abdomen.

The sponge had adhered to her bowel causing an infection and perforation. This led to a second surgery where 16 inches of her small bowel was removed. In the years since, she has continued to experience health issues related to the forgotten sponge including a bowel obstruction and digestive problems.

Throughout each surgery, sponges are required to be counted three times. The first count should be done prior to the surgery. The second count, during the surgery, before the incision is closed. The final count should take place upon the completion of the surgery. In its decision, the jury determined the nurses failed to accurately count the sponges.

In her lawsuit, the woman alleged negligence against the Lower Bucks Hospital, the doctor who performed the surgery and two nurses. The hospital and nurses were found liable after the civil trial. The doctor who performed the surgery was not found liable. He said that he did not count the sponges himself before closing the incision as he assumed the nurses had counted accurately.

When surgical errors occur, it is important to hold negligent parties responsible. Though the woman may continue to deal with health problems resulting from the negligent behavior, the award will hopefully provide the financial support that is needed.

Source: "Woman awarded $500K after nurses left sponge in her abdomen," Jo Ciavaglia and Laurie Mason Schroeder, July 21, 2011

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