While injuries and deaths caused by defective products are always hard to deal with, those involving children are even more tragic. Because children rely on others to ensure their safety, it is especially important that products used in their daily care keep them free from harm in Pennsylvania, and throughout the nation.
After decades of use, in late 2010, cribs that have sides that drop down were banned by federal regulators. The ban was a result of 32 deaths that resulted when babies were trapped between the crib's mattress and drop sides that became loose. Put forth by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), it took effect in late June. Under the ban, most cribs manufactured prior to June 28 cannot be sold by stores or individuals, including at rummage or garage sales.
Despite this ban, it was recently reported that online sites Craigslist and eBay were permitting the sale of the cribs on their sites. MyStrollers.com and Babyhaven.com also had cribs listed though the number was far fewer and they were quickly removed once each was made aware of the listings.
Under product liability laws, retailers that sell defective products can be held responsible for any injuries that occur. Accordingly, retailers typically follow preexisting plan when such bans occur. Because the items for sale on consumer-to-consumer online marketplaces are contributed by individuals however, these types of bans are difficult to enforce. Ebay has filters that helps keep many of the drop-side crib listings out. At this time it appears that Craigslist is relying on users to police themselves.
CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum said that the agency will "use whatever enforcement options we need." This includes educating individuals selling the cribs on the sites about the ban.
USA Today: "Illegal used cribs still for sale on Craigslist, eBay," Jayne O'Donnell and Oliver St. John, Aug. 9, 2011