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Woman allegedly harming others by injecting silicone in buttocks

Each day, individuals throughout the Pittsburgh area are injured due to the negligence of another person. In those instances, the injured parties may try to recover financial compensation from the negligent individuals or entities that caused the injuries. To accomplish this, they need to file a personal injury lawsuit.

Thought one of the most common situation in which as person can be injured is in motor vehicle accidents, there are of course many different ways in which someone might be hurt.

Several Pennsylvania residents likely narrowly avoided being injured earlier this month when a "Pumping Party" was raided by police. Attendees at the party were there to receive butt-enhancements via silicone injections in their buttocks.

The woman, known as the "Black Madam," who was going to perform the injections is currently under investigation for the death of a 20-year-old woman. The young woman reportedly died as a result of the injections she received from the woman about a year ago.

She is not the only person who has been injured at the hands of the Black Madam. Another woman who received injections from her last month ended up at the hospital after complaining of a shortness of breath and coughing up blood. As was the case with the woman who died, it is believed that the silicone was accidently injected into a blood vessel which caused it to go to her lungs. The Black Madam was charged with aggravated assault in that case.

Depending on the specifics of the case, in addition to the criminal charges, it is possible that the woman performing the injections could face a civil personal injury lawsuit as well. In a successful lawsuit she might recover compensation for such things as medical bills.

Source: KSEE News, "'Black Madam' Busted for Butt Injections," March 4, 2012

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