Pittsburgh PA Mesothelioma Injury Attorney
Pennsylvania Attorneys for Victims of Mesothelioma
Though not commonly recognized among the general public, mesothelioma is a painful, deadly disease resulting from exposure to asbestos. If your family has suffered the effects of asbestos cancer, Attorney Dallas W. Hartman and his associates are ready to help you recover the financial compensation you deserve.
Get immediate assistance from an experienced personal injury and medical malpractice lawyer. Contact our Pennsylvania law firm for a free consultation: 1-800-777-4081 | E-mail
A mesothelioma is a painful form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Though there are three types of the disease — peritoneal, pleural and pericardial — the most common is pleural mesothelioma which attacks the lining of the lungs. It is often confused with lung cancer and symptoms can be misdiagnosed as a cold or asthma.
How Did This Happen?
Because asbestos fibers are minuscule, a person may not realize he or she had been breathing it. Often, however, those diagnosed with mesothelioma had worked in industries that required regular contact with the material. These industries include:
- Car manufacturing and repair
- Residential and commercial construction
- Oil fields and refineries
- Mining
Given the insidious nature of the disease, mesothelioma may not manifest until years after exposure. This can make it more difficult to trace the disease to the original source of exposure. With experienced attorneys such as those at Dallas W. Hartman, P.C., a thorough investigation can be completed and a case for compensation can be pursued.
Call Our Firm for a Free Consultation
For more than 24 years, the skilled legal team at Dallas W. Hartman, P.C. has been fighting to protect the rights of injured victims and their families in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Call us toll-free at 1-800-777-4081 to discuss your situation. We make home and hospital visits.
Contact us today.