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Explosion at Pennsylvania natural gas facility leads to death

Whether we want to consider it or not, nearly every workplace has the potential to be a dangerous place. While this is true, some are clearly more likely to be home to work accidents that result in death. Locations were flammable substances are used or stored are an example of one of these workplaces. Earlier this week an explosion occurred at a Pennsylvania natural gas facility.

The owner of the business indicated that the incident occurred at a compression station while a device called a pig was being used to either inspect or clean a pipeline. Apparently a flash fire occurred when natural gas that was in the pipeline caught fire.

The explosion injured several workers and led to the death of one. The 56-year-old man was declared dead after he arrived at the West Penn Burn Center located in Pittsburgh. Though specifics have not been provided, presumably, because of where he was taken, he likely suffered serious burns. Two other individuals working at the plant were also transported to that hospital.

It is unclear whether the man who died was supporting family members or loved ones. If he was, it is possible that those individuals will decide to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the business. Civil lawsuits such as these, when successful, provide compensation to those who file the claim, for the loss of life. That compensation can make it easier for those who relied upon the deceased for financial support, to build a life without them. In some cases, people find it helps them to emotionally move forward as well.

Source: Parkersburg News and Sentinel, "Local man killed in explosion," April 15, 2013

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