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Teens most likely to be injured in pedestrian accidents

Each year around the country and in states like Ohio, thousands of pedestrians are struck and injured or killed by motor vehicles. Through various safety measures, the nation has made great strides in reducing the numbers of child pedestrians killed each year. A new study shows that teenagers between the ages of 14 and 19 are now the most likely age demographic to be involved in a pedestrian accident.

Researchers behind the study, called Walking Safely: A Report to the Nation, believe the increase in teen pedestrian accidents stems from distracted walking. Roughly seventy-five percent of teenagers own a cellphone and many use them while walking.

Whether talking on a cellphone or listening to music, teens who are distracted are more likely to be injured or killed in a pedestrian accident. Parents, therefore, would be wise to educate teens on safe walking behaviors. These include crossing the street at crosswalks or intersections, stopping while using a cellphone and removing headphones when crossing the street.

Additionally, teens should be aware that many drivers today are also distracted while driving. It's important, therefore for teens to make eye contact with drivers before attempting to cross the street. Drivers would also be wise to minimize distractions while driving and limit cellphone use to emergency situations only. Likewise, drivers should always give pedestrians the right of way at crosswalks and slow down and use extra caution when driving through school zones or residential neighborhoods.

Source: Wicked Local, "Tips for Keeping pedestrians safe on the roads," Nov. 17, 2012

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