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Chocolate Drink Mix Suspected of Salmonella Contamination

In Pennsylvania, many people love chocolate and regularly keep a chocolate flavored drink mix in their cupboards in order to be ready when that chocolate craving comes. While efforts are made to assure that consumption of these drink mixes is safe, problems do sometimes occur. In one recent case, a popular brand of drink mix was recalled due to suspected salmonella contamination. When this was discovered, the drink manufacture issued a recall and removed the defective product from grocery shelves.

While news media reported the potential contamination and instructed consumers to discard or remove the product from their pantries, it is nearly impossible to communicate these instructions to everyone who is potentially affected. While some people who are exposed to salmonella bacteria have only a few flu-like symptoms and get better, the consequences can be far worse for those with more sensitive immune systems, such as small children or the elderly. These severe cases can result in dehydration which may require hospitalization, and in some cases death can occur.

Not everyone thinks that product defects are grounds for a personal injury case, especially in cases where contaminated food is the issue, but quality standards are in place for a reason, and in order for everyone to stay healthy it is important that the products we consume are verified as safe before they hit the shelves. That's why it is important to pay attention to reported recalls, and stop using any products you may have in your possession. And if you do become sick or injured, track your symptoms carefully and seek help from a personal injury lawyer. In many cases expenses such as doctor bills and missed work hours can be included in a personal injury settlement.

Source:, "Nestle Nesquik recalled for possible salmonella contamination," Cheryl Phillips, Nov. 9, 2012

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