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Hospital sued after admitting medical equipment not sterilized

In recent years, there has been growing concern among many health care and safety advocates about the increase in hospital-borne infection rates. In response, hospitals across the U.S. and in states like Ohio have taken measures to improve sanitation and safety procedures. Patients who seek medical care, however, are often unaware of a hospital’s sanitation procedures and may unknowingly be exposed to potentially dangerous bacteria or diseases.

The parents of a minor-aged boy recently filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against the hospital where their son was treated for a broken leg. According to the lawsuit, the boy underwent a surgical procedure in which a medical device was used to probe under his skin.

While the procedure proved successful, the family was later informed that the medical equipment used during the procedure had not been properly sterilized. As a result, the parents were advised to have their son tested for numerous blood-borne diseases including Hepatitis C and HIV.

The boy’s parents recently filed a lawsuit against the hospital in which they accuse the defendant of hospital negligence in failing to ensure that medical equipment was properly and sufficiently sterilized. As a result of the defendant’s negligence, a young boy and his family have been forced to endure great physical, emotional and mental pain and anguish. The boy’s parents are seeking to recover damages related to mental anguish, medical expenses and lost earnings.

Ohio and Pennsylvania residents who have been adversely impacted by a medical device or equipment that was not properly sterilized may choose to take legal action with a Pittsburgh medical malpractice lawyer. Even in those cases where the physical harm caused to a patient is minimal, the mental and emotional injury and harm is often great. Seeking professional legal assistance from a Pittsburgh personal injury attorney can help you file a claim to recover compensation.

Source: The Louisiana Record, “Parents sue New Orleans hospital for allegedly using unsterilized surgical equipment,” Holland Phillips, Oct. 15, 2013

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